The Road to Thesis / by Marcelese Cooper

Currently in the midst of the video portion of my thesis project Nightmare Propaganda and as I move forward in preparation for constructing the installation that will house this multimedia project I look back on the texts I’ve read to challenge my thinking in this process and I wonder if I subconsciously knew in the beginning (well over a year ago now) just how comforting working with these nightmarish figures would be for me. It’s odd to feel such a fondness for people who only exist as we imagine or how we experience them, like a campfire story, an urban legend, or a regional cryptid. These figures whom I’ve come to call The Denizens are the focus of the series and I hope to redefine what we as a society consider the nature of a nightmare, we must reconcile with our fears and acknowledge that they serve a purpose.

I plan on documenting some of my thoughts and musings during the second leg of creating the work while I start drafting the written thesis itself. If anything, these posts will help me get some of my thoughts uncluttered while also being documentation of a time where I kept myself buried in books.


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